Slogging away on my China pictures. Slow progress. Lots to learn about my editing programs. Two steps forward...Next challenge will be Flickr. Here's a nice one of the group. The memory and thoughts of China and the trip are beginning to blur with my normal life back home.
We went to China to learn about seeing. At the beginning we asked: how do we photograph what we don't know?
Monday, July 26, 2010
Slogging away on my China pictures. Slow progress. Lots to learn about my editing programs. Two steps forward...Next challenge will be Flickr. Here's a nice one of the group. The memory and thoughts of China and the trip are beginning to blur with my normal life back home.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Beijing New York
Back in the City and lunch with Shannon. Szechuan style in midtown.
How many ways is this wrong?
Food arrives individual plates. Too salty. Too bland. Cai xin (aka bok choy) has to be special requested. No tea. All around us Americans drink Coke.
I'm back and not back, as always.
If you're wondering, yes, it's a common question, at least for me: why'd you go to China? What was it like? And, yes, nearly impossible to answer in a word or two.
I'd love to hear what you think of your first Chinese meal back in America.
Monday, July 19, 2010
How to answer the question that I’m often asked now that I’ve returned, “What was my favorite thing about China?” Wish I had a short answer for that.
I think I know less now about China than ever before.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Goodbye Jin Bei & Wang
Yesterday, after the Great Wall travel day, we said good-bye to our Jin Bei van and our driver Wang. What a treat to be able to work with him.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
A day in Beijing is always filled with the unexpected. Cab Drivers who make pit stops and vote on who will take me home to the Lido, the salvation of google maps on my i-phone when I'm lost, extremes of heat and rain and food glorious food. Everyday we sample yet another of the wonderful cuisines of China.
Hou Hai
After dinner we watch dancers at the Lotus Gate and navigate hutong alleys, bright and glistening, and loud with soccer on the plasma screens.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Beijing days like blur
Time blurs us like a smear of rain across the night black sky. We are here, finally, waking with our alarm clocks. But our minds wander back and back and back.
Conversation days fill time and long traffic jams on the way. Laughter. Questions. We don't know where we are going. And moments of connection follow confusion and wonder and enlightenment.
Late at night it's tough to summon the strength to post and sort pictures.
But the flickr group is evolving -- new pix posted now: please click on these pictures to link.
We're exploring and learning and stumbling together.
Coffee and the Man in the Gorilla Suit
Thursday morning started with coffee and the story about the man in the gorilla suit (m.g.s) - He actually joined us for the day…did you hear and see him?
Tibetan born street photographer Mo Yi, set the stage for inquiry and action with a gallery talk about his current exhibit, Me in My Surroundings -80, 90, 2000 at 3 Shadows. His work from the 1980's is a clear mirror of his questions, emotions and attitudes towards cities and cities as societies. His presence, photography, and the manner is which he deliberately yet modestly discussed his work and thought process, really resonated with me. He helped me to be a little bit more straight forward while considering my own emotions, attitudes and questions in relation to Beijing.
The m.g.s stayed the course and joined us at Chamber Gallery's, to meet with Simon and view, Seen in Passing: New Works by Shi Jing. Wow! Talk about ‘full circle’…In such a short amount of time a lot of ideas are starting to converge, emerge, and have an impact on my perception of the historical and personal, past and present and on the superficial and the profound... from Kim San to lady gaga, anything goes.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Cloudy on a Sunny Day
Day One album (on flickr)
9am -- to 3 Shadows -- we beginSong-zi, friend, interpreter, coordinator.
Our days are packed with Beijing conversations, heat, and lingering jet-lag. Pictures are lagged too -- a day behind. And, worse, with minimal captions...but the record of the journey is a work in on either picture above to bounce to a flickr collection of our activities.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
After Day One
Monday, July 5, 2010
Program begin
This morning our formal agenda begins at Three Shadows. Everyone has arrived and we're getting our collective feet on the ground.
My goal is to clarify some of the questions today -- can experience be a guide to learning? Can we see through the screen of our familiar discourse to engage the shared world of cultures that we don't know?
Improbably, the sky is blue. Last night at dinner with an artist who will visit the workshop later in the week I heard astonishment: until three days ago he hadn't seen blue successive blue skies in six months.
I maintain the superstition that this means good luck.
I already feel lucky! And I'm thrilled that you're here in Beijing to explore this with me.
Yesterday at the Lama Temple, in the heat, walking slowly, I decided to take pictures with my camera pressed to my belly at a slow shutter speed, breathing quietly.
Yicheng Teahouse- an oasis on a little side street
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Blue records being set, perhaps
Another blue sky day in Beijing. This morning waking up it's blue again! (This picture above was day before yesterday.) The good weather is a good sign for a good workshop!
Five have arrived: Daniela, Greg, Viviana, Nancy, Adam. We're having breakfast now. Jane arrives today.
We're ready to take some pictures and explore Beijing.
Friday, July 2, 2010
End of day refresh
At the end of the day -- long jet-lag day of meetings and taxis across Beijing -- I return to the hotel to find this nice refresh note of wonder. Delicious.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Beijing arrival.
Ready to board @ JFK.
Inside the plane, kids are everywhere. Chinese kids with Chinese parents and grandparents.
Five year olds run up and down the aisle. Mid-flight, a couple of ten year old boys play a pushing game with their in-flight pillows near in the emergency door alcove. Across from me, pre-teen twins speak to their grandfather in Chinese and to each other in English.
School is out and everyone is going to visit the family. I've never seen the plane so filled with children.
Fourteen hours later the sun is setting in Beijing. We file off the ramp and into the sweeping gorgeous terminal. The kids are quiet.
The line at customs moves fast.
My taxi driver is pissed because I'm staying near the airport. In-between the gestures and the words I actually understand I realize he's solid with the guys at JFK: he waited in the taxi queue for an hour only to end up with me and a paltry $10 fare.