We went to China to learn about seeing. At the beginning we asked: how do we photograph what we don't know?
How to answer the question that I’m often asked now that I’ve returned, “What was my favorite thing about China?” Wish I had a short answer for that.
I think I know less now about China than ever before.
Thursday morning started with coffee and the story about the man in the gorilla suit (m.g.s) - He actually joined us for the day…did you hear and see him?
Tibetan born street photographer Mo Yi, set the stage for inquiry and action with a gallery talk about his current exhibit, Me in My Surroundings -80, 90, 2000 at 3 Shadows. His work from the 1980's is a clear mirror of his questions, emotions and attitudes towards cities and cities as societies. His presence, photography, and the manner is which he deliberately yet modestly discussed his work and thought process, really resonated with me. He helped me to be a little bit more straight forward while considering my own emotions, attitudes and questions in relation to Beijing.
The m.g.s stayed the course and joined us at Chamber Gallery's, to meet with Simon and view, Seen in Passing: New Works by Shi Jing. Wow! Talk about ‘full circle’…In such a short amount of time a lot of ideas are starting to converge, emerge, and have an impact on my perception of the historical and personal, past and present and on the superficial and the profound... from Kim San to lady gaga, anything goes.